Explore our our team of dedicated faculty, researchers, and administrative staff is committed to excellence in education, research, and community engagement. We take pride in fostering a dynamic and innovative learning environment where students can thrive academically and professionally.
Dr. Ismail G. Mirumbe, PhD
Position: Head, Department of Mathematics
Phone: +256 782 353 552
Categories: Leaderhsip, Teaching Staff
Location: Mathematics
Dr. Ismail G. Mirumbe, PhD
Head, Department of Mathematics
Dr Jamilu Ssenku, PhD
Position: Head, Dept of Plant Sciences Microbiology & Biotechnology
Phone: +256 772 494 949
Categories: Leaderhsip, Teaching Staff
Location: Plant Sciences & Biotechnology
Research Interests
Phytoremediation, Restoration of Mine waste Degraded Ecosystems, Climate change and food security, Political Ecology and Economy of Extractivitism and Hydrosocial Territories
Dr Jamilu Ssenku, PhD
Head, Dept of Plant Sciences Microbiology & Biotechnology
Dr Godfrey Kawooya Kubiriza, PhD
Position: Head, Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences
Phone: +256 772 294 240
Categories: Leaderhsip, Teaching Staff
Location: Zoology, Entomology & Fisheries
Research Interest
Research interests: Ornithological Research in general, Birds and public health, Wildlife surveys and assessments, Wildlife utilisation, Environmental Impact Assessments and development Vs wildlife conservation
Brief Background
Dr. Kubiriza holds a BSc (Hons) degree in Fisheries and Aquaculture from Makerere University, a postgraduate diploma in Sustainable Aquaculture Management from the United Nations University-Fisheries Training programe-Iceland, an MSc degree in Aquaculture and Fisheries Sciences, specializing in Fish Nutrition from the University of Malawi (Bunda College of Agriculture) and a PhD in Aquaculture Sciences with a bias in fish Nutrition from the University of Iceland (HI), Reykjavik, Iceland. He is a fellow of the United Nations University Fisheries training Programme (UNUFTP), a member of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade (IIFET), the World Aquaculture Society and International Association of Fisheries Inspectors (IAFAI).
His PhD thesis examined “The effects of dietary lipid oxidation on farmed fish.” Specifically, the effects of lipid oxidation on Arctic charr and the tropical Nile tilapia, as well as the efficacy of the natural antioxidants (rosemary: Rosmarinus officinalis and Bladderwrack: Fucus vesiculosus) in stabilizing lipid oxidation in fish feeds were evaluated. Growth and antioxidant enzyme activities in fish fed antioxidants were studied. These findings are published in conference proceedings and peer reviewed journals.
In the department, He collaborate on other projects as a fish nutritionist on the RUFORUM funded-bivalve for fish project that utilizes bivalves in aquafeeds. In the STRECAFISH project funded by the Austrian government, He teaches Fish nutrition to MSc and PhD students in partnering universities. He is a co-investigator on the Collaborative Training and Research in fisheries and aquaculture in East and Central Africa. He is interested in novel studies investigating alternative protein sources to replace the expensive fishmeal from fish feeds. He has particular interests in the use of natural antioxidants to stabilize lipid oxidation in livestock (including fish) feeds as well as examining their effects on farmed fish. He is kin at providing support to sustainable commercialization of aquaculture in Uganda, and East Africa in general through aquafeed research. Currently, He is investigating the possibilities of developing locally adoptable technologies to process and utilize chicken slaughter-house and hatchery wastes as nutrient-rich protein ingredients in aquafeeds.
- Ph.D
Dr Godfrey Kawooya Kubiriza, PhD
Head, Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences
John Wasswa, BSc.,MSc., PhD
Position: Senior Lecturer
Categories: Teaching Staff
Location: Chemistry
Areas of Specialization: Physical Chemistry/ Environmental Science
Research Interests:
- Applications of colloid chemistry in environmental sciences and industrial process control; colloid-facilitated transport of pollutants in unsaturated porous media.
- Physical Chemistry: experimental, computational, and theoretical
- Legacy and emerging chemicals including Persistent Organic Pollutants; environmental properties that influence pesticide movement under different conditions, Sorption/desorption, degradation, bio-remediation and modeling fate in the environment.
- Has also trained in: environmental impact assessment; environment management/navigation; cleaner production technology; laboratory management; development of sustainable chemical processes for production of biofuels and bio-based chemicals from agricultural waste and non-food biomass.
John Wasswa, BSc.,MSc., PhD
Senior Lecturer
Prof. Joseph Y. T. Mugisha
Position: Professor
Categories: Teaching Staff
Location: Mathematics, School of Physical Sciences
Joseph Y.T. Mugisha is a Ugandan mathematician (specialising in biomathematics) and also former Principal of the College of Natural Sciences (CONAS), before which, he was the dean of the Faculty of Science from 2009 to 2010, in which position he led the process of conversion of the faculty to a college. He held the principal post initially in acting capacity (2010 to 2011) before substantive appointment in 2012. He has also served as the acting deputy vice chancellor (academic affairs) at Makerere University.[3]
Mugisha joined Makerere University as a teaching assistant in 1987, rising through the ranks to professorship in 2008. He has also served the university in various leadership and management capacities; acting director Institute of Computer Science – Makerere University from August to December 2003; deputy director Institute of Computer Science – Makerere University from 2003 to August 2005. He is also a member of the Makerere University Senate, which is the highest academic decision-making body of the university; he has been appointed to several boards and committees within the university.[4]
Mugisha has taught courses at undergraduate and graduate level. He has supervised and mentored over 40 students at graduate level (both PhD and MSc) in the region. He is an international researcher and examiner with strong links to several universities in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa. He has served as a reviewer of several international journals like Mathematical Biosciences, Southern Journal of Sciences, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Ecological Modelling, Computers and Mathematics with Application, Computational and Applied Mathematics, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, among others.
Prof. Joseph Y. T. Mugisha
Prof. John Magero Mango
Position: Assoc. Prof.
Categories: Teaching Staff
Location: Mathematics, School of Physical Sciences
Prof. John Magero Mango is a Professor of Mathematics in the school of Physiocal Sciences.