Explore our our team of dedicated faculty, researchers, and administrative staff is committed to excellence in education, research, and community engagement. We take pride in fostering a dynamic and innovative learning environment where students can thrive academically and professionally.

Prof. Ireeta Tumps Winston, PhD

Position: Principal
Phone: +256 752 272 366
Email: ireeta@physics.mak.ac.ug
Categories: Leaderhsip
Location: Physics


Prof. Winston Ireeta Tumbs has been teaching undergraduate courses namely: Properties of Matter, Electromagnetism, Electronics and instrumentation, Nuclear Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Fibre Optics and Microwaves, Electricity and 3 Magnetism and Waves and optics and also conducted Electronics practicals to the third year students.

The postgraduate courses taught include: Signal Processing and Microprocessors, Fibre optical Communication, Research Methods, Mathematical Physics, Photovoltaics, Renewable Energy Physics.


  • Ph.D. (Physics) (Cum Laude) from Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU), an. 2009 – Dec. 2010
  • M.Sc. (Physics) from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Aug. 2003 – June 200
  • B.Sc. (2nd Class Upper, C.G.P.A 4.37 out of 5.0) from Makerere University, Sept. 1998 -June 200


  • Prof. Ireeta Winston Tumbs has widely published in a number of both national and international Journals

Prof. Ireeta Tumps Winston, PhD


Dr. Juma Kasozi, PhD

Position: Deputy Principal
Categories: Leaderhsip


Research Interests: Insurance Mathematics and Financial Mathematics. Numerical methods and Optimisation techniques in risk theory, probability of ruin, dividends, Re-insurance, Investments, Pension schemes, Life and Non-Life insurance. ODeL (Open, Distance and eLearning).


  • 2002 − 2005 PhD. Makerere University-Uganda/University of Bergen-Norway. Awarded in 2006.
  • 1999 − 2001 MSc(Mathematical Modelling), University of Zimbabwe.
  • 1989 − 1994 MSC(Mathematics), Makerere University.


  • Dr. Juma Kasozi has has published in both national and international journals.

Dr. Juma Kasozi, PhD

Deputy Principal

Prof. Michael Owor, PhD

Position: Dean, School of Physical Sciences (SPS)
Phone: +256 ### ### ###
Email: staffthree@email.com
Categories: Leaderhsip
Location: Physics


Professional interests: I have over 20 years professional and research experience using tools such as site measurements, remote sensing, GIS, isotopes and geophysics to develop groundwater and to evaluate and map out environmental influences and impacts on water resources. My career goal is to contribute to the availability of safe-water and hygiene for food security, health, socio-economics, etc. under conditions of climate change/variability


  • 2006 – 2010, PhD Groundwater-surface water interactions, University College London, UK
  • 2002 – 2006, PhD Environmental Geohydrology, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
  • 1998 – 2000, MSc Water Resource Surveys (Distinction), ITC, Enschede, The Netherlands
  • 1991 – 1994, BSc Geology and Chemistry (2.1 Hons), Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda


  • He has published widely.

Prof. Michael Owor, PhD

Dean, School of Physical Sciences (SPS)

Assoc. Prof. Arthur K. Tugume, PhD

Position: Dean, School of Biosciences
Categories: Leaderhsip
Location: School of Biosciences


Dr. Arthur Tugume is a Ugandan scientist based at Makerere University, Uganda. He is an Associate Professor of Plant Pathology and Virology at the Department of Plant Sciences, Microbiology and Biotechnology, where he has served in various academic, administrative, and management capacities since 1999. He is a two-time Head and Chair of the Department of Plant Sciences, Microbiology and Biotechnology (2012-2015 and 2020-2022). He is currently the Dean, School of Biosciences in the College of Natural Sciences, Makerere University (2022-2026).

Dr. Tugume holds a PhD in Plant Pathology from the University of Helsinki, Finland (2010). He also holds an M.Sc in Agriculture (Crop Science) (2003) and B.Sc (Botany and Biochemistry) (1999) both from Makerere University. Dr. Tugume is involved in scientific research with collaborative networks in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Finland, Czech Republic, Poland, Japan, Germany, UK and USA. He has been a PI, Co-investigator, Coordinator, Champion, or Scientific advisor of projects with budgets ranges of US$18,000 to US$6.2million. For details, see the list of on-going and past projects below.

Dr. Tugume’s research group works on plant-pathogen interactions, associated biotic stresses and disease management on crop commodities sweetpotato, cassava, banana, watermelons, and pumpkins. They focus on virus ecology, evolution, diagnostics, vector transmission, agro-ecosystem disease dynamics in these crops, and banana xanthomonas wilt pathosystem evolution. In addition, he is interested in sexual reproductive development of vegetatively propagated crops (banana, cassava and sweetpotato). For details, please see the list of publications below.

Dr. Tugume has over 30 scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals generated in 12 years (2008-2022). He is an author, reviewer, and an editor. He is has supervised, mentored and/or examined 10 PhDs, 12 MSc, and over 30 BSc students’ research work. He has kin interest in science leadership and is fond of raising and motivating early career scientists, which is reminiscent of his broad reach in the crop commodities and subject themes of plant pathology, virology and sexual and vegetative reproductive development. Lately, he is at the helm of designing recommendations to Uganda government of Uganda on strategies for integrating science, technology and innovations (STIs) as a catalyst for national economic transformation and development.


  • PhD in Plant Pathology from the University of Helsinki, Finland (2010)
  • M.Sc in Agriculture (Crop Science) from Makerere University (2003)
  • B.Sc (Botany and Biochemistry) from Makerere University (1999)


  • Dr. Tugume has over 30 scientific publications in international peer-reviewed journals generated in 12 years (2008-2022). He is an author, reviewer, and an editor

Assoc. Prof. Arthur K. Tugume, PhD

Dean, School of Biosciences

Dr. Agnes Nandutu Masawi, PhD

Position: Head, Department of Biochemistry & Sports Science
Phone: +256 782 807 027
Email: agnes.nandutu@mak.ac.ug
Categories: Leaderhsip
Location: Biochemistry, Sports Science


Dr. Nandutuis a Senior Lecturer, teaching subject of Biochemistry to Science, Veterinary and Medical students at Makerere University. Dr. Nandutu’s research areas of interest include Food chemistry, scientific validation of medicinal plants, phytochemical and antioxidant evaluation and starch chemistry. Her PhD study involved investigating Biochemical, physico-chemical and Nutritional properties of sweet potato ( Ipomomeabatatas Lam) and its processing into an infant weaning food. Sweet potato based infant food developed in this study had a potential to be used as weaning food because of its nutritional values and viscoelastic properties, which compared well with commercial baby foods.

In addition to teaching, Agnes has supervised over 7 MSc. And 3 PhD students and also published a number of articles in referred journals. She has participated in a number of projects but not limited to what is listed below. Below is a listof research projects that Dr.Nandutu Agnes Masawi has participated in:

  1. Retention studies of processed products from orange fleshed sweet potato, a staple food for rural communities in Uganda. This was a collaborative study with HarvestPlus and was supported by IFPRI and CIAT
  2. Biochemical analysis of vitamin A, iron and infection status among women and children in Uganda: a baseline survey. A collaborative study with HarvestPlus supported by IFPRI and CIAT
  3. Postharvest quality of Solanumaethiopicumleafy vegetable subjected to various handling and storage technologies.
  4. The protective properties of different phytochemicals against non-infectious diseases such as diabetes mellitus.


  • PHD, Food chemistry and Nutrition, University of Surrey, UK, 2005
  • M.Sc, Biochemistry, Makerere University, 1998
  • B.Sc, Biochemistry and Chemistry, Makerere University, 1994


  • Biryomumaisho Justus Murokore,Peter Vuzi California, Raphael Wangalwa, Alex Paul Wacoo Clement OlusojiAjayi, HanningtonGumisiriza,Agnes NandutuMasawi( 2022): Effect of Spice form and Extraction Period on Total Phenolic Content of Selected Ugandan Spices.European Journal of Medicinal Plants, Page 25-32 DOI: 10.9734/ejmp/2022/v33i330456 Published: 8 April 2022.

Dr. Agnes Nandutu Masawi, PhD

Head, Department of Biochemistry & Sports Science

Dr. Arthur Godfrey BATTE, PhD

Position: Head Department of Geology and Petroleum Studies
Phone: +256 775 929 921
Email: arthur.batte@mak.ac.ug
Categories: Leaderhsip
Location: Geology & Petroleum Studies


Arthur Godfrey Batte completed his PhD (Seismology) at the University of Frankfurt Germany in 2012, funded by the German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD) and the German Research Council (DFG). His PhD was a result of a multi-discipline research that involved investigating of the seismic anisotropy using both local and teleseismic eventsregistered within the Albertine graben, characterizing of seismic noise at recording stations, and investigating the spatial variation of the b-values within the Albertine rift. In 2007, he graduated with a Master inGeo-informatics under the auspices of the Netherland Fellowship Program (NFP/Nuffic)at the International Institute of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observations (ITC) which is now part of the University of Twente in the Netherlands. In 2006, he was awarded an MSc (Geology) at Makerere University, that was funded by DAAD.

He joined Makerere University as an undergraduate freshman in 1999 and graduated in 2003 with a BSc (Geology/Chemistry). Arthur Godfrey Batte has been employed in this department since 2008, when he joined as an Assistant Lecture.He has published a number of publications in internationally recognized journals and attended a number of conferences and workshops. He was involved in an interdisciplinary university project (RIFTLINK project) that involved 12 different working groups and 3 countries includingUganda (Makerere University), DRC (Goma Volcanic Observatory) and Germany (about 7 universities), that was heavily funded by DFG. He has worked on a number of projects vis-à-vis groundwater exploration while working with WEGS Consultants now known as WE Consultants.


  • PhD (Seismology)
  • Master (Geo-informatics)
  • MSc (Geology)
  • BSc (Hons)


  • Dr. Arthur Godfrey Batte has published a number of publications in internationally recognized journals and attended a number of conferences and workshops.

Dr. Arthur Godfrey BATTE, PhD

Head Department of Geology and Petroleum Studies

Dr Emmanuel Tebandeke, PhD

Position: Head of Chemistry Department
Phone: +256 752 592 655
Email: emmanuel.tebandeke@mak.ac.ug
Categories: Leaderhsip
Location: Chemistry

Research Interest

Emmanuel Tebandeke is the Leader of the Green Chemistry Research Group at the Department of Chemistry. Part of our work in the Group is focused on development of catalytic systems for the conversion of CO2 into useful chemicals. In this work we are testing both homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts for CO2 activation and insertion into organic molecules. We also have interest in designing innovative technologies for remediation of mercury contaminated soils in artisanal and small-scale gold mining areas of Uganda. Other ongoing research in the group include catalytic oxidation using green oxidants, metal and nutrient speciation in different environmental systems, environmental pollution monitoring and analytical method development and validation.


Emmanuel Tebandeke holds B.Sc in Chemistry and Geology, MSc in Chemistry and PhD in Chemistry from Makerere University. He also holds a Licentiate of Philosophy in Inorganic Chemistry from Lund University Sweden. Currently he is holding a Position of Lecturer at the Department of Chemistry, Makerere University, where he is actively involved in teaching and research.


  • Licentiate of Philosophy in Inorganic Chemistry from Lund University Sweden.
  • MSc in Chemistry and PhD in Chemistry from Makerere University
  • B.Sc in Chemistry and Geology

Dr Emmanuel Tebandeke, PhD

Head of Chemistry Department

Dr. Denis Okello, PhD

Position: Head Department of Physics
Categories: Leaderhsip
Location: Physics



  • Ph.D


  • Published

Dr. Denis Okello, PhD

Head Department of Physics

Dr. Ismail G. Mirumbe, PhD

Position: Head, Department of Mathematics
Phone: +256 782 353 552
Categories: Leaderhsip, Teaching Staff
Location: Mathematics



  • PhD


Dr. Ismail G. Mirumbe, PhD

Head, Department of Mathematics

Dr Jamilu Ssenku, PhD

Position: Head, Dept of Plant Sciences Microbiology & Biotechnology
Phone: +256 772 494 949
Categories: Leaderhsip, Teaching Staff
Location: Plant Sciences & Biotechnology

Research Interests

Phytoremediation, Restoration of Mine waste Degraded Ecosystems, Climate change and food security, Political Ecology and Economy of Extractivitism and Hydrosocial Territories



  • Ph.D

Dr Jamilu Ssenku, PhD

Head, Dept of Plant Sciences Microbiology & Biotechnology

Dr Godfrey Kawooya Kubiriza, PhD

Position: Head, Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences
Phone: +256 772 294 240
Email: orkubirizag@gmail.com
Categories: Leaderhsip, Teaching Staff
Location: Zoology, Entomology & Fisheries

Research Interest

Research interests: Ornithological Research in general,  Birds and public health, Wildlife surveys and assessments,  Wildlife utilisation, Environmental Impact Assessments and development Vs wildlife conservation

Brief Background

Dr. Kubiriza holds a BSc (Hons) degree in Fisheries and Aquaculture from Makerere University, a postgraduate diploma in Sustainable Aquaculture Management  from the United Nations University-Fisheries Training programe-Iceland, an MSc degree in Aquaculture and Fisheries Sciences, specializing in Fish Nutrition from the University of Malawi (Bunda College of Agriculture) and a PhD in Aquaculture Sciences with a bias in fish Nutrition from the University of Iceland (HI), Reykjavik, Iceland. He is a fellow of the United Nations University Fisheries training Programme (UNUFTP), a member of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade (IIFET), the World Aquaculture Society and International Association of Fisheries Inspectors (IAFAI).

His PhD thesis examined “The effects of dietary lipid oxidation on farmed fish.” Specifically, the effects of lipid oxidation on Arctic charr and the tropical Nile tilapia, as well as the efficacy of the natural antioxidants (rosemary: Rosmarinus officinalis and Bladderwrack: Fucus vesiculosus) in stabilizing lipid oxidation in fish feeds were evaluated. Growth and antioxidant enzyme activities in fish fed antioxidants were studied. These findings are published in conference proceedings and peer reviewed journals.

In the department, He collaborate on other projects as a fish nutritionist on the RUFORUM funded-bivalve for fish project that utilizes bivalves in aquafeeds. In the STRECAFISH project funded by the Austrian government, He teaches Fish nutrition to MSc and PhD students in partnering universities. He is a co-investigator on the Collaborative Training and Research in fisheries and aquaculture in East and Central Africa. He is interested in novel studies investigating alternative protein sources to replace the expensive fishmeal from fish feeds. He has particular interests in the use of natural antioxidants to stabilize lipid oxidation in livestock (including fish) feeds as well as examining their effects on farmed fish. He is kin at providing support to sustainable commercialization of aquaculture in Uganda, and East Africa in general through aquafeed research. Currently, He is investigating the possibilities of developing locally adoptable technologies to process and utilize chicken slaughter-house and hatchery wastes as nutrient-rich protein ingredients in aquafeeds.


  • Ph.D
  • MSc
  • BSc

Dr Godfrey Kawooya Kubiriza, PhD

Head, Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences