Dr Geoffrey Ismail Mirumbe Appointed Head, Department of Mathematics

The outgoing Head, Department of Mathematics, Prof. Godwin Kakuba (L) hands over to the new Head, Dr Geoffrey Ismail Mirumbe (R) at a ceremony held at the Department on 1st March 2024. Overseeing the handover is the Dean, School of Physical Sciences, Prof. Michael Owor

Makerere University Council at its 722nd meeting held on 12th December 2023 appointed Dr Geoffrey Ismail Mirumbe as Head, Department of Mathematics for the next four years effective March 2024. Dr Mirumbe holds a BSc, MSc and PhD in Mathematic from Makerere University. He takes on from Prof. Godwin Kakuba who has served in the position for the last four years starting March 2020.

Prof. Kakuba presenting his handover report

On 1st March 2024, Prof. Kakuba handed over office to Dr Mirumbe at a ceremony witnessed by the Principal of CoNAS, Prof. Winston Tumps Ireeta; the Deputy Principal, Prof. Juma Kasozi, the Dean, School of Physical Sciences, Prof. Michael Owor; and members of staff from the Department.

Presenting his handover report, Prof. Kakuba congratulated the new Head upon his appointment and pledged to support him. He appreciated the University and College leadership as well as members of staff in the Department for the support accorded to him during his term of office.

Prof. Kakuba presenting his handover report to members of staff

Under his leadership, the Department of Mathematics has registered significant achievements. The number of students enrolling for mathematics has drastically increased. The MSc. teaching has completely stabilized, and now follows the normal university calendar. The revised curriculum and increased publicity of the College programmes has generated more interest in the MSc. Mathematics with over 50 applications received at the last intake. At undergraduate level, the Department had one programme with two tracks, minor and major. The Department has innovatively added on new programmes including the BSc. Industrial Mathematics that is in final stages of approval. The department has also had numerous promotions, with three members of staff promoted to the rank of associate professor, two senior lecturers, two lecturers and more in the pipeline. Highlighting the achievements in research, Prof. Kakuba appreciated the members of staff who have worked tirelessly to win grants for the Department. The Department continues to be part of the East African University Mathematics Programme, the NORHED II Mathd4SD Project with Prof. John Mango as PI, and the EAALG group is also very active. The projects have significantly contributed to human and infrastructure development at the Department. In addition to the achievements listed above, the Department has organized several local and international conferences to promote the subject of mathematics including the East African University Mathematics Programme (EAUMP) Conference, Women in Sage, and the ALGEBRA workshop. The Department has also executed effective outreach workshops that have contributed to the development of mathematics in the region. The Uganda Mathematical Society is leading on this and has organized national mathematics contests, teachers’ conferences, national mathematics quizzes, and the International Mathematics Olympiad – IMO training camps. The UGAWOM has also been active and a huge boost especially in promoting the participation of the girl child.

Prof. Owor presents a Recognition of Service Award to Prof. Kakuba in appreciation of his service to the College as Head, Department of Mathematics, 2020-2024

In their remarks, CoNAS Management led by the Principal, Prof. Winston Tumps Ireeta commended the outgoing Head for his selfless service that has tremendously contributed to the development of the Department, and the subject of mathematics in particular. At the ceremony, the Dean, School of Physical Sciences, Prof. Michael Owor, on behalf of the Principal presented a Recognition of Service Award to Prof. Kakuba in appreciation of his distinguished service to the College as Head, Department of Mathematics.

Dr Kakuba expresses appreciation for the Award
The new Head, Dr Geoffrey Ismail Mirumbe (standing) in his remarks appreciated the outgoing Head for the great service to the Department. He pledged to build on the achievements to further improve the Department
The Deputy Principal of CoNAS, Prof. Juma Kasozi appreciating the services of the outgoing Head, and pledging to further support the Department

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