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Dr. Betty Kivumbi Nannyonga was inducted into the Uganda National Academy of Sciences (UNAS) on October 27th 2017. The event took place in Hotel Africana where 22 new inductees within and outside Makerere were inducted. A prospective fellow is nominated based on most significant contribution to sciences and why they meet the criteria for being a...
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The College received the first year students for academic year 2017/2018. In August 2017, an orientation meeting withthe freshmen and women was held. The young men and women started their journey of three or four years with dreams of leaving with a bachelors’ degree at the end of their stay at Makerere University
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Senior Three students from the Green Hill Academy visited the Makerere University Herbarium on October 2017. The students toured the botanical garden and the collection of the dried plant specimens. This is a move by the school to provide a practical view of what the students learn in class theoretical work. The visit was also intended...
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The College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS) hosted a delegation from Wollega University, Ethiopia on Monday 13th November led by Dr. Tifsehit Solomon (Vice President – Community Engagement and University Industry Partnership). The delegation from Wollega University visited CoNAS to share experiences of teaching and learning in the natural sciences. The meeting also explored possibilities of collaborating...
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The STRECAFISH annual project meeting was held on the 8th to 9th June 2016 at Kolping Hotel, Kampala, Uganda. The meeting brought together all the project members since the inception of the project. Participants were from Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia and Austria. The objective of the meeting was to take stock of what progress of the STRECAFISH...
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