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Dr Arthur K. Tugume appointed Dean, School of Biosciences

Dr Arthur K. Tugume has been appointed Dean, School of Biosciences, College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS), Makerere University. He will serve a four-year term effective 1st March 2022. Dr Tugume, who...

Dr Michael Owor appointed Dean School of Physical Sciences

Dr Michael Owor, formerly Head, Department of Geology and Petroleum Studies at the College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS) has been appointed Dean, School of Physical Sciences. He takes on from...

Prof. J.Y.T. Mugisha hands over to the incoming Principal, CoNAS Dr Tumps Winston Ireeta

The outgoing Principal College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS), Prof. J.Y.T. Mugisha has today, 8th February 2022 handed over to the new Principal, Dr Tumps Winston Ireeta. The handover ceremony held in...

Celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science – 11th February 2022

The Chairperson, Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) Uganda National Chapter invites you all to join the celebrations to mark the International Day of Women and Girls...

MakCoNAS First Year Students’ Orientation

Each year, Makerere University admits over 10,000 students to various programmes in the 10 constituent Colleges. This Academic Year, 2021/2022, the University admitted about 800 students to various disciplines at...

Development Of Value-Added Phytogenic Chicken Feeds

A research led by Dr. Alice Nabatanzi, the Principal Investigator of the project titled: “Development Of Value-Added Phytogenic Chicken Feeds”, discovered that the widespread use of antibiotics in chicken feeds has promoted development of...

Mak-CoNAS proposed amendments to the Fisheries and Aquaculture Bill, 2021

Fish has been identified as one of the 10 priority agricultural commodities to foster a sustainable agro-industrialization agenda in Uganda because of its contribution to national GDP (3%), agricultural GDP...

Assoc. Professor John Magero Mango – Induction as FUNAS

Our own Dr. John Mango Magero (Associate Professor), will be inducted as a Fellow of the Uganda National Academy of Sciences (UNAS) on the 29th October, 2021. This award is...

Assoc.Prof. Charles Masembe Appointed a Member of Kyambogo University Senate

In addition to various intervations around the University to bring every student to speed in readiness for exams, the CoNAS ICT Team will be running a virtual ICT support room...

Celebrating Top Female Performers at CoNAS

When Makerere University holds her 71st Graduation in May,2021 two of the graduands will be 1. Ms. NaKato Zora Joy with a BSc. Honours – First Class (CGPA 4.62) degree majoring in Mathematics and...

College of Natural Sciences, Makerere University with Partners Wins a 3 year  Euros 1,500,000 Research Grant

Makerere University represented by the College of Natural Sciences, Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences (Assoc.Prof. Charles Masembe) together with 6 other universities ​​won a 3 year  Euros 1,500,000  research grant...

Math icon wants people to fall in love with numbers

Betty Kivumbi Nannyonga, a staff in the Department of Mathematics strongly stresses the importance of mathematical proficiency in our lives, an article published in the Daily Monitor news paper on...
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