Assoc.Prof. Charles Masembe Appointed a Member of Kyambogo University Senate

In addition to various intervations around the University to bring every student to speed in readiness for exams, the CoNAS ICT Team will be running a virtual ICT support room for students from 09/09/2021 to 12/09/2021 between 2:30PM and 4:30PM.
The students who still have issues with their emails and muele accounts login credentials as well doudts on how to navigate and do tasks on muele will be joining into the room virtually, be assisted and get out at will.

Issues to be handled may include;

· How to reset muele and student email login credentials

· Cleaering doubts on navigating and accessing exams on muele

· Clearring doubts on how to attempt and submit tasks on muele

· How to convert word documnents (Exam scripts) to PDF for easy upload

· How to compress PDF documents (Exam scripts) easy upload

· How to scan/take snap shots of your exam scripts using your mobile smart/Android phone · ETC.                                                            

There will be room to escalate all issues we cannot handle to DICTs experts for further assistance.

Below is the zoom link for the virtual room

Join Zoom Meeting: CoNAS Students Virtual ICT Support Room

Meeting ID: 983 5299 9207

Passcode: 111222

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