

The research was funded by the Government of Uganda through the Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF) The Project Principal Investigator, Prof. Juma Kasozi addressing participants Overview The Lake Victoria Nile Perch (NP) fishery (fishing and post-harvest activities) is a significant contributor to the social and economic development of the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization...
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Dr Perpetra Akite has been awarded the Marsh Award for Ecologists in Africa.  This prize aims to celebrate the significant scientific achievements of African ecologists and raise their profile in the UK. It is provided by the Marsh Charitable Trust and administered by the British Ecological Society. Dr Akite is one of Uganda’s leading entomologists...
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ICAFA – International Conference on Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture Two of the NutriFish-sponsored PhD students, Nakiyende Herbert and Julliet Nafula Ogubi won the awards for the best and second-best oral presentations in the young scientists’ category at the International Conference on Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (ICAFA) held in Jinja, Uganda from 1st-3rd September 2022.  The conference...
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Following the discovery of commercial petroleum reserves in Uganda in 2006, Makerere University in 2009 pioneered teaching and research in petroleum programmes. The programmes are offered in the Department of Geology and Petroleum Studies, College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS) at BSc, MSc and PhD levels. As Uganda moves to the next stages of petroleum development,...
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The College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS), Makerere University with her partners: Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) UK, Tooro Botanic Gardens (TBG), Entebbe Botanical Garden (EBG) and Grass Roots International won a two-year Darwin Initiative grant (Project Reference: DARNV005) worth £199,995 to execute a project titled; “Understanding Ugandan native plant species’ role in innovative sustainable landscapes”....
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Dr Sarah Stamps, Principal Investigator presents an overview of the DRIAR Project Dry-Rifting in the Albertine-Rhino Graben (DRIAR) Project Makerere University signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Virginia Polytechnique Institute and State University, the leading institution of the consortia of universities participating in the Dry-Rifting in the Albertine-Rhino Graben (DRIAR Project), to conduct geophysical, geochemical...
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The DVCAA, Prof. Umar Kakumba (L) in a meeting with the visitors from IOP, Mr. Dominic Hurley (R) and Ms. Linsey Simkin (2nd R)   The Head of International Relations at the Institute of Physics (IOP) in the UK, Mr Dominic Hurley, and International Relations Manager at the same institute, Ms Linsey Simkin this morning,...
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Just like animals and human beings, plants too can be stressed. Whereas one may easily detect stress in animals and humans basing on their behavior, plant “behavior” is not easy to interpret.   Why should we be concerned about stress in plants? Plants under stress cannot reproduce or grow well because they have to divert...
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A new study published in the CABI Agriculture and Bioscience journal highlights that pests, diseases, and drought, are the main challenges to pumpkin and watermelon production in Uganda. A range of recommendations are presented to help the country’s pumpkin and watermelon farmers increase their yields to help improve their livelihoods and food security. The study assessed the...
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The Principal of CoNAS, Prof. Winston Tumps Ireeta (L) hands over the cash contribution to the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe The Principal, College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS), Prof. Winston Tumps Ireeta has today, 7th June 2022 handed to the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe UGX6,384,215 million, the first staff cash contribution towards Makerere University centennial...
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