The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) evaluators have declared the SIDA Mathematics Project 2015-2022 under the College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS) the best managed and impactful programme at Makerere University.
The “SIDA Bilateral Programme, 2015-2022, Project 316 – Capacity Building in Mathematics and its Applications” has supported training of 21 PhDs in Mathematics since 2015. At this year’s graduation ceremony, CoNAS will present 8 PhDs in Mathematics, the highest number of PhDs produced from a single Department in the 100-year history of Makerere University. The programme has also supported 7 post docs and PhD curriculum development.
We commend the Principal Investigator, Prof. John Mango for the job well done. We also extend our appreciation to SIDA for enormously supporting the Programme.