The Department of Mathematics organized a workshop on bridging the gap between gender and Mathematics, Psychology of Mathematics Education. The Workshop attracted local, regional and international participants and the School of Women and Gender Studies, together with the College of Education and External studies facilitated the workshop. Students were trained on Attitudes, perceptions and how they affect performance in Sciences: A case of Physics (Gender equity/equality in focus), Gender Equality in Education, outreach activities in mathematics, Gender and Students Attitudes towards High attainments and Sciences, physics and the social life, Career Opportunities in Physics. They were then introduced to applied mathematics. The students wrote four projects in financial mathematics, social mathematics, biomathematics and pure mathematics. On November 06 2017,
The School of Physical Sciences, College of Natural Sciences in conjunction with the School of Women and Gender Studies, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS) organized a Science Students Gender Awareness Training in Makerere University, Main Hall. The overarching objective of the training was to enlighten science students on how gender construction influences their identity and sense of achievement. A total of 417 students attended the event which was financed by SIDA through SWGS. Students were trained about concepts of gender, such as gender equity, gender equality, feminism and masculinity, sexual structure and how they affect the girls’ and boys’, and their performance at university. The sexual harassment bill at the University was also discussed and students actively informed the facilitators how their lives and performances at the university could be improved.