Vice President for Research at Bar Ilan University, Israel Visits CoNAS

Prof. Benjamin Ehrenberg from Bar Ilan University in Israel visited the College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS) Makerere University on the 4th of April 2013. This was part of a 2day visit to Makerere University. Prof. Ehrenberg is the Vice President for Research at the Bar Ilan University. He is a physicist attached to the department of Physics and the Institute of Nano Technology and Advanced Materials at the same university.

Prof. Ehrenberg held a meeting with the Principal, Prof. J.Y.T Mugisha to discuss possible areas of mutual collaboration. Some of the issues discussed included: means of retaining scientists at universities which is a major problem; opportunities for trans-disciplinary research to make basic sciences more applicable; means of making sciences more business oriented and partnering with industries for application of theories from the University as well as identification of a niche to guide collaboration. The meeting was also attended by Prof. Oryem Origa (Deputy Principal), Ritah Namisango (University Public Relations Officer) and Mr. George Piwang. Thereafter Prof. Ehrenberg proceeded on a tour of the College to see our laboratories and research facilities.

VC Bar Ilan University

It is expected that the collaboration will be premised on the Israel/Africa cooperation platform and presents opportunity to approach development partners with joint proposals. Some of the subject areas proposed include: molecular biology, chemical engineering, petroleum and geosciences institute, nano technology, space science among others as will be identified along the way.

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on Friday 5th April 2013 to further academic exchange, cooperation, staff development and training for appropriate Makerere University staff at Bar Ilan University; upgrade of Makerere University’s laboratory and research facilities modelled on Bar Ilan University’s state-of-the-art research laboratories, technological research and development (R&D), and innovations facilities. It is expected that with such collaborations, CoNAS can become a regional hub of excellence in East and Central Africa.

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