BioGOLD Project Team Kicks off Activities

****The team is introducing the project, testing questionnaires, and collecting initial data to guide implementation in the selected sites of Namayingo, Mubende, and Rubirizi districts.

The BioGOLD Project team arrives at one of the sites in Budde village, Namayingo District

About the BioGOLD project

Launched in May 2024, Biosorption for Sustainable Small-Scale Gold Mining in Uganda (BioGOLD) aims to develop sustainable technologies for remediation and rehabilitation of mercury contaminated soils and effluents in Mercury-dependent Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) areas in Uganda. The three-year project (2024-2027) funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation through APPEAR will be implemented in three districts namely; Mubende (Central Uganda), Rubirizi (Western Uganda), and Namayingo (Eastern Uganda). Partner institutions include; Makerere University, Kyambogo University, Gulu University, University of Pretoria (South Africa), and the University for Continuing Education Krems – Austria. The Project PI is Dr Mary Kaggwa from Kyambogo University. The Coordinators at the partnering institutions are: Dr Peter Akoll (Makerere University), Dr Dennis Nono (Gulu University), Prof. Hendrik Brink (University of Pretoria), Dr Nils Haneklaus (University for Continuing Education Krems – Austria). Other members on the project are: Dr Emmanuel Tebandeke, Head Department of Chemistry, Makerere University, and Dr Betty Naziriwo from the same Department; Dr Beatrice Arwenyo, Dr Oryema Christine, Dr Achaye Innocent, Dr Martine Nyeko, and Ms. Abalo Solome from Gulu University; and Ms. Ruth Kasavo and Ms. Hilda Kyamulimbo, Doctoral students at the University of Pretoria.

A miner washes out gold at a site in Budde village
A miner shows the project team mercury used to extract gold

Work packages

WP 1: Building partnership and capacity – This will involve mobilizing, building capacity, and developing a culture of dialogue and cooperation between the participant institutions and stakeholders. The team working on this package will be responsible for drafting curriculum and recruiting suitable candidates for the MSc programme.

WP 2: Characterization of heavy metals at the ASGM – to characterize heavy metals in tailing discharge (sediment) and soils at small-scale gold mining. Under this package, the team will identify suitable points for sample collection, conduct a reconnaissance in selected study sites, and undertake sample collection, field measurements of selected parameters, and laboratory analyses of selected parameters.

WP 3: Development of Treatment Technology – technologies for soil and wastewater remediation or treatment in ASGM.

WP 4: Gender, Diversity & Inclusion – to integrate the dimensions of gender, diversity & inclusion in the project.

WP 5: Dissemination and visibility – to disseminate the project results to the scientific community and the interested public. This is aimed at enhancing visibility of the project activities through different platforms.

A miner shows the team some of the gold extracted from the site
A miner in Budde village, Namayingo District demonstrates to the project team how gold is weighed
The PI, Dr Mary Kaggwa and another project member from Kyambogo University interview one of the miners in Budde village

Baseline data collection in Namayingo District

As part of the kick-off activities, the BioGOLD research team on 23rd-24th August 2024 introduced the project to the leaders and miners in selected sites in Namayingo District. The team also tested questionnaires, and collected initial data to guide activities at the sites. The project team engaged ASGM communities of Naggudi, Nsango and Budde villages on issues regarding their socio-demographic and economic data (miners and household crop farmers), gender inclusion and power relations in the mines, risks of exposures to mercury in the mines, baseline information on effluent and soils in the mines, and crops grown around the mines.

The team will conduct similar activities in Kasanda, Mubende District (Central Uganda), and Rubirizi District in Western Uganda.  

Dr Oryema Christine from Gulu University interviews miners in Budde village, Namayingo District
Ms. Sanyu Gift, a Research Assistant from Makerere University interviewing a miner in Budde village, Namayingo District
Makerere University team interviews miners in Budde village
Dr Peter Akoll from Makerere University and Dr Achaye Innocent from Gulu University conducting interviews in Budde village
Effluent from the mine in Budde village streaming down one of the farmlands
The project team interacting with the miners in Nsango village, Namayingo District
One of the gardens affected by the mining activities in Nsango village, Namayingo District
Dr Kaggwa interviewing one of the miners in Nsango village, Namayingo District
A mining site in Naggudi village, Namayingo District
The project team assessing the site in Naggudi village, Namayingo District
Some of the miners in Nsango village, Namayingo District

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