Happening 8th-26th July 2024 @MakCoNAS – The 2024 EAUMP-ICTP School on the Mathematics of Artificial Intelligence

Prof. John Mango from the Department of Mathematics at Makerere University with one of the facilitators at the opening ceremony

Hosted by the Department of Mathematics at the College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS), Makerere University, the School presents a distinctive opportunity to explore the foundational mathematics of Artificial Intelligence (AI). By convening experts in diverse fields, encompassing data, assimilation, inverse problems, statistics, control theory, and graphic theory- integral components of the mathematical machinery driving successful AI systems – the School offers participants a comprehensive perspective. Lectures and workshops will cover key topics such as mathematical modelling of AI algorithms, optimization techniques, and theoretical underpinnings of machine learning. This platform provides an opportunity to students and researchers to deepen their comprehension of the Mathematics of AI.

The training is taking place at CoCIS, Block B and was officially opened today morning, 8th July 2024 by the Ag. Principal of CoNAS, Prof. Juma Kasozi. Facilitators will include staff from the Department of Mathematics, Makererere University; LUT University, Finland; University of Wollongong, Australia; TU llmenau and Freie Uni Berlin, Germany; University of Rwanda; Universita della Italiana, Switzerland; University of Vienna, Austria; Uppsala University and Stockholm University, Sweden.

The Ag. Principal of CoNAS, Prof. Juma Kasozi officially opened the training school
The Dean, School of Physical Sciences at CoNAS delivering his remarks
One of the conveners, Dr Alex Behakanira at the opening ceremony
R-4thR: Members of staff from the Department of Mathematics, Makerere University at the opening ceremony
Some of the participants
One of the facilitators training the participants
Dr Ismail Mirumbe, Head, Department of Mathematics at Makerere addressing participants
Participants at the training venue at Makerere University

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