The Department of Physics, College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS), Makerere University through the Renewable Energy Research Group (RERG) has trained 30 students and members of the general public in solar photovoltaic installation and maintenance, biogas production, and solar thermal systems.

The five-day hands-on training that started on 21st August 2023 has been conducted at the Physics Department premises at Makerere University. Topics covered include; Introduction to Basic Electronics, Photovoltaic Systems (PV system components, sizing, installation, maintenance and system safety), Biogas Technology (design, construction, operation and maintenance), and Solar Heating Systems (basic principles, design, construction, operation and maintenance). Facilitators included; Prof. Ole Jorgen Nydal, overall Coordinator of the Energy Technology Network (EnergyNET) Project, as well as lecturers and technical staff from the Department of Physics and Department of Biochemistry and Sports Science at Makerere University led by Dr Denis Okello, Head, Department of Physics, also overall coordinator of RERG, Dr Karidewa Nyeinga, and Mr. Michael Musoke.
The training programme is supported by the EnergyNET Project funded by NORAD, Norway, and the International Science Program (ISP), Project UGA -01, funded by SIDA, Sweden.

The Renewable Energy Research Group has been conducting the training programme for the last 8 years. The training programmes are designed to equip participants with competence and skills needed in the installation and maintenance of solar energy Photovoltaic systems and biogas plants. Over 250 people have benefited from the training in the last 8 years.
Participants: The training is open to researchers, students, trainers (teachers, technical institution tutors, solar suppliers, holiday makers) and any other interested persons. At the end of the training, participants receive a certificate of completion.

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