Prof. Ireeta Tumps Winston, PhD

Position: Principal
Categories: Leaderhsip
Department: Physics


Prof. Winston Ireeta Tumbs has been teaching undergraduate courses namely: Properties of Matter, Electromagnetism, Electronics and instrumentation, Nuclear Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Fibre Optics and Microwaves, Electricity and 3 Magnetism and Waves and optics and also conducted Electronics practicals to the third year students.

The postgraduate courses taught include: Signal Processing and Microprocessors, Fibre optical Communication, Research Methods, Mathematical Physics, Photovoltaics, Renewable Energy Physics.


  • Ph.D. (Physics) (Cum Laude) from Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU), an. 2009 – Dec. 2010
  • M.Sc. (Physics) from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Aug. 2003 – June 200
  • B.Sc. (2nd Class Upper, C.G.P.A 4.37 out of 5.0) from Makerere University, Sept. 1998 -June 200


  • Prof. Ireeta Winston Tumbs has widely published in a number of both national and international Journals