No.Project TitlePrincipal InvestigatorDepartment
1Using Astronomy and Space Science to Promote Science Education in Schools Influence of Gut Microbiome on Nutritional and Disease status of children in Schistosomiasis endemic region of Albert Nile, Pakwach districtProf. Florence Mutonyi D’ujanga Department of Physics
2Removing barriers to planting of multi-purpose tree species of Uganda Stochastic model for Sustainable Harvesting of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and Nile Perch (Lates niloticus) Fish Populations on Lake Victoria for Optimal Financial Returns and MonitoringDr. Julius MulindwaDepartment of Biochemistry and Sports Science
3Providing Clean and Safe Water to Low-Income Communities using Activated Carbon-Cellulose membrane-based Water filters derived from Disposed WasteIbrahim KarumeDepartment Chemistry
4 Valorisation of Waste Chicken Feathers for Water Purification: Designing and Constructing Low- Cost Keratin Based Nanofilters as Adsorbents of Heavy Metals and Nanosized ContaminantsDr. Alice NabatanziPlant Sciences, Microbiology, and Biotechnology
5Using the Internet to Incentivize Healthy Lifestyle Choices in UgandaDr. Rhona BainganaDepartment of Biochemistry and Sports Science
6Production of Novel Eco-Charcoal Fuel for Urban dwellers using Municipal Vegetative Solid Waste and Volcanic RocksDr. Robert GumisirizaDepartment of Biochemistry and Sports Science
7Exploring forage resources for stingless bees in Uganda: The case of Meliponula bocandeiDr. Perpetra AkiteDepartment of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences
8Grant amount UGX 100,000,000, from Government of Uganda and Makerere University, Research and Innovation Fund -RIF1 Extension, to support soil remediation studies in artisanal and small-scale gold mining areas of UgandaDr Emmanuel TebandekeDepartment of Chemistry
9Production of Novel Eco-Charcoal Fuel for Urban dwellers Using Municipal Vegetative Solid Waste and Volcanic RocksDr. Patrick SsebugereDepartment of Chemistry
10Influence of Gut Microbiome on Nutritional and Disease status of children in Schistosomiasis endemic region of Albert Nile, Pakwach district, Uganda (2021-2022). Funded by the Government of Uganda under Mak-Rif3. Amount UGX 100,000,000Dr. Robert GumisirizaDepartment of Biochemistry & Sports Science
11Edible Insect Farming for Improved Household Income and Food Security among the Refugees and Host Communities in Northern Uganda. Funded By Gov. Of Uganda/Makrif: 1MSc Student Supported-A Dissertation is under Examination. – Dr Rutaroh CarlmaxDr. Julius MulindwaDepartment of Biochemistry & Sports Science
12Biomethane Production from Biomass-Matooke Peels for Sustainable Energy – Total funding – UGX 74,791,000. Partner – International Fertilizer Development Center Alloimmunization and Vascular Thrombosis In Sickle Cell Disease (avartScd) UGX98,000,000Dr. Rutaro KarlmaxDepartment of Biochemistry & Sports Science
13Development of bacterial systems for the production of industrial enzymes: proteases and levansucrase. UGX 104,575,57Dr. Patrick SsebugereDepartment of Chemistry
14Alloimmunization and Vascular Thrombosis In Sickle Cell Disease (avartScd) UGX 98,000,000Dr. Dennis KasoziDepartment of Biochemistry and Sports Science
15Development of bacterial systems for the production of industrial enzymes: proteases and levansucrase. UGX 104,575,57Dr Apollo Simon Peter Balyeidhusa, Co-PI: Dr Joseph Fuuna Hawumba Research Scientists: Dr Samuel Wasibala Wamutu; Robert Dr Gumisiriza & Dr Moses OkolDepartment of Biochemistry and Sports Science
16Presenting new approaches to the teaching & learning of Mathematics – UGX 169,180,000Dr. David SsevviiriDepartment of Mathematics
17Positioning Mathematics as a Tool for Sustainable Fisheries Management: A Mathematical Model for Fish Stock Assessment in LakeVictoria. UGX49,992,000Dr. Nathan MuyindaDepartment of Mathematics
18Practicals to the Home for a Rural Student. Makerere University Research and Innovation Fund 4 (Government of Uganda). Budget -UGX166,720,000Dr. Taddeo SsenyongaDepartment of Physics
19Building a Laboratory System for Quality Checks of Solar Panels in Uganda. Makerere University Research and Innovation Fund 2. Budget – UGX 156,010,000Winston T. IreetaDepartment of Physics
20Solar Power; Training for Change, Transforming Skills and Attitudes Among Rural Communities in Northern Uganda. Makerere University Research and Innovation Fund 2 (Government of Uganda). Budget – UGX154,313,00Willy OkulloDepartment of Physics
21Practicals to the Home for a Rural Student. Makerere University Research and Innovation Fund 1 (Government of Uganda). Budget UGX 209,720,000Taddeo SsenyongaDepartment of Physics
No.Project TitlePurposeDurationPrincipal Investigator
1African Water Resource Mobility Network (AWARMN)Makerere University in collaboration with Rhodes University, South Africa; University of Technology, Nigeria; Higher School of Hydraulics, Algeria; Delfts University, Netherlands and University of Kinshasa, DR Congo, are implementing a project to address water-related pressing needs on the African continent worth EUROs 139,000,000 funded by European Union Commission. The grant was awarded under the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme. The project is intended to support both African scholars for PhD and MSc.2020 - 2024Assoc. Prof. George William Nyakairu, Department of Chemistry
2Environmental Chemistry for Sustainable DevelopmentMakerere University with financial support of € 373,050.15 from the Austrian Partnership Programme in Higher Education and Research for Development is implementing a three-year project on Environmental Chemistry for Sustainable Development. Partners are: University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Austria; Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, Kenya2020 - 2024Dr. Patrick Ssebugere, staff from the Department of Chemistry
3Mathematics for Sustainable DevelopmentMakerere University in collaboration with University of Bergen, Norway and University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania won a grant of NOK19,900,000 to train five (5) PhDs at Makerere University and six (6) PhDs at University of Dar es Salaam between 2021-20262021 - 2026Assoc. Professor John M. Mango, Department of Mathematics
4Capacity building in Environmental SciencesMakerere University in partnership with Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, is training MSc. And PhD scholars supported by a research grant from ICM Erasmus+2020 - 2023Dr. Patrick Ssebugere, staff from the Department of Chemistry
5Energy Technology Network (EnergyNET)EnergyNET project is funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) under NORHED II. “The project is a network of African universities collaborating on education and research in Energy Technology. EnergyNET project is coordinated by NTNU-Trondheim and the project partners are: University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Makerere University (Uganda), Mekelle University (Ethiopia), Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia) and Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique)2021 - 2026Dr. Karidewa Nyeinga, the Department of Physics
6University Network on Energy Technology (UNET)UNET is co-funded by the Erasmus + Program of the European Union. “The main objectives of UNET include: Jointly develop PhD courses in support of the existing PhD programs in energy at the partner universities; Improve on specialized facilities at each university to offer Training Sites for PhD researchers; Conduct a pilot phase with PhD candidates benefiting from the Course Catalogue and the Training Sites.2021 - 2023Dr. Karidewa Nyeinga, Department of Physics
7Dry Rifting in the Albertine Rhino (DRIAR) ProjectMakerere University is collaborating with the US universities including Virginia Tech and University of Kansas to conduct research in the Albertine Graben under the Dry Rifting in the Albertine Rhino (DRIAR) Project. The DRIAR Project involves a geophysical, geochemical, geological, and geodynamic investigation of the Albertine-Rhino Graben in western and northwestern Uganda to improve understanding of continenta rifting in areas where volcanic activity is minimal. Several field activities are being carried out. These activities include collecting water samples, collecting rock samples, temporary deployment of seismic, magnetotellunc, and gravity instruments, permanent installations or Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) instruments.2021 - 2025Dr. J. M. Kiberu, Department of Geology and Petroleum Studies
8ISP Grant of 313,590 SEK to EAUMP Southern Africa (COTRA)Eastern Africa Universities Mathematics Programme (EAUMP) – objectives of the network are: Enhancement of postgraduate training with special emphasis to PhD training; Establishing and strengthening collaborative research in Mathematics areas of interest in the region; Strengthening the collaborating Mathematics departments in terms of equipment and literature; Development of resources for the collaborating Mathematics Departments; Postdoctoral training of academic staff2022 - 2024Dr Juma Kasozi, Department of Mathematics
9IST Grant of 598,000 SEKGrant to support women in Mathematics and Gender Outreach ActivitiesDr. B. K. Nannyonga, Department of Mathematics
10Understanding cell to cell heterogeneity in African trypanosome field isolatesFunded by DFG (German Research Fund), Project No. 444811942; Amount Eur 179,7352023- 2025Dr Julius Mulindwa - Department of Biochemistry and Sports Science
11Value Chain Hygiene Practices And Microbial Contamination Of Street And Market Vended Ready-To-Eat Grasshoppers, Ruspolia Spp. In Uganda.Funded by International foundation for Science (IFS). Output-Manuscript submitted.2021 - 2023Dr Rutaro Karlmax - Department of Biochemistry and Sports Science
12Project title: Towards a Research-led University: Strengthening Makerere University’s Research, Grant Writing and Publication Capacity. Partners: Michigan State University, Michigan, USAFunders: US Mission, USA. Funding Amount: US $200,000.0001/10/2022 - 31/09/2023PI: Fredrick Jones Muyodi, Makerere University
13Dispersal of Antibiotic Resistance and antibiotics in Water ecosystems and Influence on livestock and aquatic wildlife (PAIRWISE)”The project is funded by Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), in partnership with: The European Union – Horizon 2020 Framework Programme Aquatic Pollutants, Joint Programming Initiative on Anti-microbial Resistance (JPIAMR),; and JPI Oceans – Grant amount: USD 285,000Sep. 2021- Aug. 2023The Makerere University PI. is Assoc. Prof. Charles Masembe, Assisted by Dr. Robinson Odong
No.Project TitlePurposeDurationPrincipal Investigator
1Bee Pollinators Diversity Informatics ProjectThe Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences in collaboration with DICTS-Makerere University, National Museum of Kenya, Metalmark Web and Data (USA), Bee Identification Services (USA), Belgian Museum of Natural History; won a research grant worth USD275,000 funded by JRS Foundation. Objectives: 1) Enable access to biodiversity data through the development and launch of a database-driven website on bees of Uganda and related pollination information. 2) Expand the knowledge base on bee pollinators by engaging farmers and government agencies, conducting field surveys and sampling events to collect specimens. 3) Analysis of datasets with a focus on bee diversity, determinants of distribution, and bee-plant mutualisms in agricultural landscapes of the Southern Kyoga Basin and Central Lake Victoria Crescent. 4) Enhance capacity at Makerere University through the development of a bee genera of Uganda identification guide and training in bee identification skills and biodiversity informatics applications2020 - 2022Assoc. Professor Anne Akol, Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences
2Environmental HealthMakerere University in partnership with Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany won a research grant of USD 36,079 funded by the World Academy of Sciences to undertake a research on Environmental Health2020 - 2022Dr. Patrick Ssebugere, staff from the Department of Chemistry
3SIDA grant of 39M SEK (approx. USD 4.5m) to Capacity building in Mathematics and its ApplicationsCapacity building in Mathematics and its Applications2015 - 2022 Assoc. Professor John M. Mango, Department of Mathematics