In addition to the normal university admission requirements, a candidate must have a minimum grade of 3 principal passes in the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (UACE) or its equivalent and a principal pass in at least 2 of the following subjects: Biology, Physical sciences, or Physics and Chemistry. Where a candidate lacks this requirement, a bridging course will be required in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics.
Teaching and Assessment Pattern
Duration of Courses
Three years covering six semesters. The duration shall be 17 weeks per academic semester.
Mode of Instruction
- Lectures
- Assignments (Individual or Group)
- Presentation
- Practical activity
- Demonstrations
- Self study
- Independent Research / supervision
Assessment Pattern
Assignments (Class Assignments, Tests) 40%
Theory Tests/Examinations 60%
Total 100%
Assessment Pattern – Practical Activity
Assignments (Theory & Practical Work outs) 30%
Practical Tests/Examinations 30%
Theory Tests/Examinations 40%
Total 100%
Responsibility of the Studens
regular attendance and active participation. do all assignments, tests, practicals and examinations.
Responsibility of the Course Lecturer
Regular and punctual teaching.
Accurate and prompt grading of assignments, tests, practical tests and examinations.
Available to assist students.